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I believe too many parents today have let their children rule their households. Their children dictate their daily lives, demand every ounce of their attention and do not show any respect for their parents. This needs to change. The only way to do this is if parents start letting good old common sense start dictating their parenting practices and stop letting their children run the show. You're the parent. Act like one.

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Showing posts with label Back to Work Summary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back to Work Summary. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to Work Summary: Week 2

My second week back to work was easier...and harder than Week 1. The most important thing I am learning to do is coming to realize that my family always comes first. It's easy to say and it should be quite obvious, but it's slightly more difficult to actually practice--especially when work seems to consume you.

Emotions: My emotions were a little more even-keeled this week. I got into a routine and I was happy to see both Brooke and Will were adjusting well to being away from home all day. Brookey was a a lot less emotional this week, too. She got into a regular nap pattern at school and has not been talking about wanting to stay home with me anymore! She also comes home well rested which makes for a much easier evening! Because she takes 2 hour naps at school, she has been going to bed later which we are not used to, but it's all working out. The key is she's getting enough sleep so she's not Miss. Drama Queen ever night!

This week I was also more stressed with work, so I found myself being short and even rude to Brookey. Stress equals a short temper for me. This summer, I hardly ever felt annoyed with Brookey like I did this week. Luckily I was very cognizant of it the moment it happened. The quick fix was just taking a step back and reminding myself that my family comes first. And no matter how stressful things get with work, when I am with my family I need to treat every moment as precious. Just changing my frame of mind seemed to help.

Schedule: Will's schedule is a little off, but I am slowly learning to go with the flow. When I read his schedule from daycare on Tuesday, it looked pretty off and he didn't take a good morning nap. I was a little irritated. But he's sleeping well at night, going to bed at the same time and most of all, is REALLY HAPPY when I pick him up! So I know he's getting enough rest and eating well. So that's what matters. Even when I had him home from the summer, days didn't always go "as planned" no matter how hard I tried. So I can't expect everyday to be exactly perfect and exactly the same. Slowly, I am letting go from my control freakishness about his schedule...

Work: Last weekend was definitely overwhelming. I had a slight nervous breakdown about the craziness of this school year (LOTS of changes)and all the work I was faced with. After having a good cry, I went to bed and it began to look better in the morning. I also took the wise advice of my husband and asked my boss for help. The work I am faced with is definitely not a one person job. One of my weaknesses is that I don't like to ask for help--to me, it's a sign of weakness and potential failure. But I am getting over that, too. I am coming to understand that if I am going to keep my family on the top of my priority list, I need to enlist the help of others and ask for things when I need them.

On the flip side, it was nice to see my colleagues again and have some adult interaction. I know some stay at home moms say they really miss adult interaction. I can't say I really MISSED adult interaction when I was home this summer, but I do like my colleagues and it was nice to see them again.

Although I am extremely, extremely nervous about this coming school year and all of the challenges it presents, I have to say that I am also genuinely EXCITED to see how it will all turn out.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Back to Work: Week 1 Summary

My first week back to work was definitely a roller coaster of emotions! I decided to write a little weekly summary to chronicle the good, bad and ugly of having two kids and working full time!! Here is the Week One low-down:

Emotions: Roller coaster is how I describe it. Surprisingly, my first day back was awesome. I really didn't even worry about the kids. Brookey came home excited and happy about seeing her friends again and Little Will--he was just his angel little self. The rest of the week was hit or miss. Will was even-Steven ( i swear, we should have just named him Steven) and came home happy, well rested and is still sleeping great. Brookey, on the other hand started come home exhausted and waaaay overtired most likely due to all the activity and excitement at school. I also found out her best friend at school doesn't nap, so of course Brookey didn't nap either! I don't even think she did daily "quiet time" like we did at home. So on Day 3, I wrote a note to her teacher asking her to PLEASE be sure that Brookey lays down for at least an hour during the day. Ever since then, she's been taking 2 hour naps at school and coming home a completely different girl! So nice. It's amazing what a little sleep will do.

Brooke's emotions have been a roller coaster this week too. She's my little drama queen!! The first day, she didn't even want to come home and raved about being at school. The next day (no nap), her teacher said she cried a little and said she missed me. She also told me she didn't like school and didn't want to go to preschool. On the third day, she was a lot happier, but she told me she still really missed me and when could she stay home with me again? Friday, she was super happy and told me she couldn't wait to go to preschool. Ahhh, I wouldn't expect anything less from this drama queen. I swear, GIRLS!! So much emotion!!! I pity the man who marries her.

Schedule: The kids were on a pretty good schedule this summer, especially Will. I expected a few days of adjustment for him as he got used to his surroundings. On Day 1, I called his school around midday and much to my surprise, he was eating and napping on his schedule with no crying!! I was shocked...and proud. I worked pretty hard to get him on his schedule and made sure I stuck with it this summer and it's definitely paying off and making HIS life and his teacher's life much easier! I think "angel" is the word she used to describe him. She said she had never seen a baby who didn't cry when going down for naps. Ah, if it could only stay this way into his 2's :-)

Work: I worked my a** off this week. Going back to work would be different if my job was just a desk job and not so emotionally attaching. My job is not just a teaching job, either. I work with the toughest kids...i also manage a team of aides, have mountains of paperwork to do AND have to teach. We're starting up a new special ed program at my school this year as well, so that's just added stress. However, the flip side is that everyday I pull off this feat of "balancing it all," I feel a huge sense of accomplishment.

Did I make the right decision to go back to work full time? Is this all going to work out? No clue. All I can do is take it one day at a time. Whether you stay home or work, there are good days and bad days. There are days when you feel, " Hey, I can totally handle this" and there are days you feel like jumping out the window. I think that is what all moms have in common, whether we choose to work or stay at home. Both jobs have amazing challenges, but also amazing satisfaction.